SE Labs Report

SE Labs Simon Edwards Director WEBSITE TWITTER @SELabsUK EMAIL [email protected] FACEBOOK BLOG PHONE 0203 875 5000 Introduction Executive Summary A common criticism of computer security products is that they can only protect against known threats. When new attacks are detected and analysed security companies produce updates based on this new knowledge, which can then be applied to endpoint, network and cloud security software and services. The product is scored according to how far into the future its protection is seen to reach. For example, if it protected against a threat that was created one year after the product was built, then it would have a predictive advantage of 12 months. But in the time between detection of the attack and application of the corresponding updates, systems are vulnerable to compromise. Almost by definition at least one victim, the so-called ‘patient zero’, has to experience the threat before new protection systems can be deployed. While the rest of us benefit from patient zero’s misfortune, patient zero has potentially suffered catastrophic damage to its operations. POST ONE Croydon, London, CR0 0XT MANAGEMENT Operations Director Marc Briggs Office Manager Magdalena Jurenko Technical Lead Stefan Dumitrascu TESTING TEAM Thomas Bean Dimitar Dobrev MINORITY REPORT Security companies have, for some years, developed advanced detection systems, often labelled as using ‘AI’, ‘machine learning’ or some other technical-sounding term. The basic idea is that past threats are analysed in deep ways to identify what future threats might look like. Ideally the result will be a product that can detect potentially bad files or behaviour before the attack is successful. Malware campaigns can run over a period of time, with those in control making changes to the malware to add features or evade detection. For this reason we used different variants for each ‘family’ of attack. For example, we used five different versions of the Cerber ransomware attack, with samples dating from December 2016 through to February 2018. CylancePROTECT’s Predictive Advantage (PA) varied, depending on the threat. It ranged from 11 months up to 33 months, with an average PA of 25 months. In other words, in some cases it was able to recognise and protect against threats that would not appear in real life for up to two years and nine months into the future. Generally speaking it was effective, without updates, against threats just over two years into the future. While it is good practice to keep security products fully updated, in many cases keeping endpoint security products continuously up to date is challenging. The purpose of this test is to examine how effective past AI models could be against newer threats. For this reason a version of CylancePROTECT from early 2015 was used against threats from 2016, 2017 and 2018. Liam Fisher Gia Gorbold It is possible to test claims of this type of predictive capability by taking an old version of a product, denying it the ability to update or query cloud services, and then exposing it to threats that were created, detected and analysed months or even years after its own creation. It’s the equivalent of sending an old product forward in time and seeing how well it works with future threats. Pooja Jain Ivan Merazchiev Jon Thompson Jake Warren Stephen Withey IT SUPPORT Danny King-Smith Chris Short This is exactly what we did in this test. Using CylancePROTECT’s AI model from May 2015 we collected serious threats dating from February 2016 all the way through to November 2017. PUBLICATION Steve Haines Colin Mackleworth SE Labs is BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015 certified for The Provision of IT Security Product Testing. SE Labs Ltd is a member of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO) Such threats included WannaCry, a mid-2017 ransomware-based attack that was spread using the NSA’s EternalBlue exploit; Petya, a ransomware attack from early 2016; and GhostAdmin, malware from 2017 capable of taking remote control of victim systems and exfiltrating data. These results demonstrate that CylancePROTECT users would have been safe from the zero-day attack types used in the test even if they had not updated their software for two years and nine months. 04 MARCH 2018 • Predictive Malware Response Test Predictive Malware Response Test • MARCH 2018 05 SE Labs 1. Predictive Advantage by Threat Family 2. Predictive Advantage by Individual Campaign Predictive Advantage (PA) is the time difference between the creation of the model and the first time a threat is seen by victims and security companies protecting those victims. We exposed the model to a range of threats. These comprised nine different ‘families’ that featured in well-publicised campaigns. Each family set contains five variants as found in the wild. The model represented in this test was created in May 2015. This is the same model as that deployed in the real world with CylancePROTECT’s agent, version 1300. The graph below shows the average PA value for each threat family. The higher the number, the greater the distance in time from the model’s creation date to the first known detection of that specific set of files. Higher PA values are more impressive, as they show the model’s ability to predict threats further into the future. Malware campaigns can run over a period of time, with those in control making changes to the malware to add features or evade detection. For this reason we used different variants for each ‘family’ of attack. Variants within one family group may appear in the real world at different times as a campaign develops. For example, the GoldenEye The graphs below shows the different PA values for the individual threats, which are grouped into their own families. CAMPAIGN: Bad Rabbit Threat Variant Bad Rabbit Predictive Advantage (months) Bad Rabbit1 29 Predictive Advantage by Threat Family Bad Rabbit2 29 Threat Family Predictive Advantage (months) Bad Rabbit3 29 Bad Rabbit 29 Bad Rabbit4 29 Cerber 30 Bad Rabbit5 29 GhostAdmin 24 GoldenEye 23 Locky 20 CAMPAIGN: Cerber NotPetya 25 Threat Variant Petya 26 Reyptson 27 WannaCry 24 Predictive Advantage (months) samples range from December 2016 through May 2017 until July 2017. 29 14.5 0 Bad Rabbit1 Bad Rabbit2 Bad Rabbit3 Bad Rabbit4 Bad Rabbit5 Cerber4 Cerber5 GhostAdmin4 GhostAdmin5 Cerber Predictive Advantage (months) Cerber1 33 Cerber2 32 Cerber3 19 Cerber4 32 Cerber5 32 33 16.5 0 Cerber1 Cerber2 Cerber3 30 CAMPAIGN: GhostAdmin Threat Variant 15 0 Bad Rabbit 06 MARCH 2018 Cerber GhostAdmin GoldenEye • Predictive Malware Response Test Locky NotPetya Petya Reyptson WannaCry GhostAdmin Predictive Advantage (months) GhostAdmin1 23 GhostAdmin2 20 GhostAdmin3 20 GhostAdmin4 26 GhostAdmin5 33 33 16.5 0 GhostAdm
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