AllKnowledge is Power: Why Self-Service is Trending in Customer Service
Knowledge is Power: Why Self-Service is Trending in Customer Service
Self-Service Is A Liberating Trend
This rise of self-service is a trend worth watching because it will liberate people in
new ways, giving them a new sense of freedom and satisfaction. And this is true for
both customers and the people serving them. Everyone wants to feel educated and
in charge of their own fate. It is in our nature to want to continually progress and be
better than we were yesterday. So when provided with the opportunity, customers
jump right on it without looking back. They appreciate being trusted with new kinds
of “insider” information rather than being treated like an ignorant and powerless
customer, which is basically how traditional customer service makes you feel. You
know what we’re talking about. Because we’re all customers at the end of the day.
We all want to be able to take charge of our affairs in a seamless way, be treated as
partners in this great era of big data, and appreciated for being loyal customers in
today’s dynamic market.
Connect Everyone To
The Same Knowledge
When you think about the top priorities in every
VP Customer Service’s mind, you are thinking
about analyzing the customer experience,
agent performance, call deflection and a whole
range of other metrics that are all directly tied
to a company’s Knowledge Base. All companies
have many different types of knowledge about
their solutions and services. The problem is
that this information is spread out over many
systems that are not necessarily connected to
one another. Some of it could also be scribbled
down somewhere on a post-it or simply in a
certain employee’s head. So when push comes
to shove and everyone is scrambling to provide
the right information, the right information
still needs to be assembled and processed in a
professional manner before it can be delivered
to the customer. Businesses no longer have the
luxury of losing precious opportunities like this
to make a positive impact on their customers.
It is vital for everyone connected to the brand
to be able to access similar knowledge, to have
an efficient and highly advanced mechanism
in place for getting things done.
“By 2018, 80% of B2C Companies Will
Have Created Immersive, Authentic
Omni-Experiences for Customers,
Partners, and Employees; 60% of B2BCentric Companies Will Have Done
the Same” (IDC)
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