Architecting for Application Performance in the Hybrid Enterprise

Architecting for Application Performance in the Hybrid Enterprise • Introduction Introduction: The Hybrid Enterprise Where is the best place to deploy enterprise applications? In your data center or in the cloud? This choice, which IT leaders are facing on a daily basis, can be a key driver for business success. For most enterprises, the answer to which deployment is that “it depends.” Some applications, such as proprietary business-critical applications, may fit better within your data center. Others, such as sales apps, are best run from the cloud. In fact, a 2015 survey commissioned by RightScale, shows that 93% of respondents are using some form of cloud whether it be public, private, or hybrid for one or more applications.1 The same is true for networks. Private MPLS links are expensive but highly reliable and predictable. The public Internet is less reliable and less predictable, but also much less expensive in terms of bandwidth costs. Which option is best depends on your application and business-specific needs. This is reflected in a study from Nemertes Research2 showing most enterprises mix both MPLS and public Internet links. 93% of respondents are using some form of cloud whether it be public, private, or hybrid for one or more applications.1 1 2 3 Architecting for Application Performance in the Hybrid Enterprise • Introduction Introduction: The Hybrid Enterprise That is why most enterprises today employ a mix and match strategy: Deploy your most mission-critical apps to the data center and provide access to them via more expensive, but highly reliable and predictable MPLS links. Deploy your other apps to the cloud (often SaaS) and provide access via inexpensive public Internet. The result is a complex mesh of on-premises and cloud applications connected by both MPLS and public networks. Enterprises have rejected the either/or mentality for a best-for-the-task-at-hand strategy. Essentially, enterprises find themselves in an era of the hybrid enterprise, where hybrid clouds and hybrid networks have become the norm. It is a strategy with many advantages, but one that presents unique challenges as well. 55% Companies using a public Internet link in place of MPLS in at least one location – Nemertes Research 2014 4
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