As customers effectively utilize a mix of Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructures and private cloud infrastructure, there is a need for secure and optimised connectivity.
The FortiGate Secure SD-WAN helps to ensure ease of use, and allows visibility across all infrastructures.
Additionally, it supports an array of cloud connectivity in different use cases, allowing for rapid growth of digital innovation to the cloud.
Download the whitepaper here.
Cloud Computing hat die Art und Weise verändert, wie wir IT-Lösungen nutzen und bereitstellen. In rasantem Tempo entwickelt sich Rechenleistung immer mehr zu einem „Versorgermodell“, das auf einer gemeinsamen Infrastruktur basiert. Diese...
The NIS2 directive was approved by the EU Council in November 2022 and gives member states until October 2024 to transpose NIS2 into national law to ensure its critical infrastructure sectors are in compliance. However, reaching cybersecurity...
The EU’s Network and Information Security (NIS2) directive is almost here. Affected entities should be preparing for NIS2 compliance before October 17, 2024, the date EU nations must enact NIS2 implementing laws. Some critical infrastructure...
Z niniejszego raportu za rok 2023 wynika, ze przedsiebiorstwa traktuja cyberbezpieczenstwo systemów OT priorytetowo. Jest to wazna i niezbedna tendencja, poniewaz 75% badanych przedsiebiorstw musialo zmierzyc sie z co najmniej jednym cyberatakiem...
When NIS1 was adopted in 2016, the technology and cyber threat landscape was very different than it is today. Since that time, cyber threat groups have evolved to use more tools targeting ICS/OT and to deliberately attempt to cause safety issues. As...
With the acceleration of digital transformation (DX)—such as the transition to Industry 4.0—it has become critical for organisations to understand the similarities and differences between their information technology (IT) and operational...
L’Operational Technology (OT) consente a fabbriche, impianti di generazione e trasmissione di energia, reti di trasporto pubblico, impianti petroliferi e di gas e servizi di pubblica utilità di operare con successo. Poiché queste organizzazioni...
Les technologies industrielles de type OT (Operational Technology) assurent le bon fonctionnement des usines, sites de production et de transmission d'énergie, réseaux de transport public, sites pétroliers et gaziers et services publics. Ces...
Mittlerweile werden betriebstechnische Umgebungen allerdings zunehmend mit IT-Netzwerken verbunden. Diese Konvergenz kann auch den Platzbedarf für die Aufstellung von Hardware reduzieren, Bereitstellungszeiten verkürzen, Kostensenkungen...
Operational technology environments are increasingly being connected with IT networks, which can deliver new strategic benefits. This convergence can additionally reduce space requirements, eliminate physical hardware, shorten deployment times,...
Cyberprzestepcy coraz czesciej atakuja systemy cyberfizyczne w branzach produkcjii uzytecznosci publicznej, co jest przyczyna strat w produkcji i przerw w dzialalnosci. Zewzgledu na zwiekszone ryzyko bezpieczenstwo technologii operacyjnych...
I criminali informatici attaccano sempre più di frequente i sistemi cyber-fisici nel settore manifatturiero e dei servizi pubblici, causando cali di produzione e interruzioni dell'attività. L'attuale aumento dei rischi ha fatto innalzare la...
De plus en plus, les systèmes cyberphysiques des acteurs de l’industrie et de l’énergiedeviennent la cible d’attaques pouvant interrompre leurs opérations, voire paralysertotalement leur appareil productif. Pour répondre à ce risque...
Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting cyber-physical systems in the manufacturing and utilities industries, leading to production losses and business interruptions. The Fortinet OT Security Platform provides a comprehensive system designed to...
Choose your Cloud firewall wisely Cloud computing can increase speed to market and, in some cases, may save money. But the Cloud comes with its own security challenges. Use this free toolkit to: Understand the challenges of Cloud Security...
An der Umfrage von CSO, CIO und COMPUTERWOCHE, die im November und Dezember 2023 online durchgeführt wurde, haben sich insgesamt 370 (IT-/ IT-Security-) Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider aus Unternehmen der D-A-CH-Region beteiligt. Es handelt sich...
Celem inicjatyw zerowego zaufania (ang. zero trust) w organizacjach jest zapewnienie lepszego zabezpieczania infrastruktury w calych wysoce rozproszonych srodowiskach. Siec odgrywa coraz wieksza role we wprowadzaniu zasady zerowego zaufania,...
Aplikacje i narzedzia chmurowe, w tym funkcje audio-wideo, staja sie coraz wazniejsze dla przedsiebiorstw rozproszonych, dlatego przedsiebiorstwa te musza byc zdolne do czerpania korzysci z innowacji cyfrowych bez narazania na szwank swojego...
This IDC study assesses the capability and business strategy of SD-WAN infrastructure vendors. Read the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide SD-WAN Infrastructure 2023 Vendor Assessment to see: - Top motivations for SD-WAN - Deployment options - The...
Las empresas de todos los sectores aceleraron rápidamente sus transformaciones digitales en respuesta a la pandemia mundial. Ahora, las empresas están sometidas a una inmensa presión para adoptar tecnologías de última generación, como las...
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