Emotet’s ability to obtain further command and control communication. Malwarebytes EPR also isolated the endpoints, limiting communication only to the cloud-based dashboard. This ensured the PC didn’t get reinfected while Malwarebytes was removing Emotet and preserved the machine’s clean state during the network remediation process. “Malwarebytes made it possible to knock down the Emotet infection in twenty days without taking down our network. Without Malwarebytes, our remediation would have taken significantly longer and would have required a network interruption during our busiest time of the school year. We also received fantastic support from Malwarebytes during our remediation...
Emotet’s ability to obtain further command and control communication. Malwarebytes EPR also isolated the endpoints, limiting communication only to the cloud-based dashboard. This ensured the PC didn’t get reinfected while Malwarebytes was removing Emotet and preserved the machine’s clean state during the network remediation process. “Malwarebytes made it possible to knock down the Emotet infection in twenty days without taking down our network. Without Malwarebytes, our remediation would have taken significantly longer and would have required a network interruption during our busiest time of the school year. We also received fantastic support from Malwarebytes during our remediation efforts,” said Sutorius. malwarebytes.com/business Modern solution for the modern endpoint The team’s experience with Emotet and the support from Malwarebytes EPR have forever-changed their approach to endpoint security. Day-to-day, the team now vigilantly monitors for new infections. An employee opens the Malwarebytes’ dashboard first thing in the morning and checks it throughout the day. From a solution-perspective, Sutorius is a firm believer in having a modern endpoint security solution that has multiple protection layers and includes automated detection and response capabilities. “It’s great to detect malware but to have a solution that also isolates and disinfects the infection is huge. I believe Malwarebytes has a powerful solution, and no one currently has anything close to it,” said Sutorius. [email protected] 1.800.520.2796 Malwarebytes is a cybersecurity company that millions worldwide trust. Malwarebytes proactively protects people and businesses against malicious threats, including ransomware, that traditional antivirus solutions miss. The company’s flagship product uses signature-less technologies to detect and stop a cyberattack before damage occurs. Learn more at www.malwarebytes.com. Copyright © 2019, Malwarebytes. All rights reserved. Malwarebytes and the Malwarebytes logo are trademarks of Malwarebytes. Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. All descriptions and specifications herein are subject to change without notice and are provided without warranty of any kind.